Do you want to conceive in a conscious way but don’t know where to start?
Are you ready for the most comprehensive program for birth-workers and educators yet?
Are you struggling with fertility but still determined to conceive naturally?
Luminescence Is Your Answer
Take a moment to schedule a FREE consultation with our Program Creator and Founder of Luminous Birth, Victoria Rose, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health Educator, Registered Massage Therapist, Family and Birth Visionary, Birth Consultant, ‘Heal Your Own Birth’ Facilitator, Pre- Conception Guide, Traditional Birth Witness, Reiki Master for Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum, Mentor, Public Speaker.
Luminescence has been nurtured through a 10-year living gestation. Beyond expert advice, it’s a synthesis of the wisdom of true pioneers who hold 30-40-50+ years of experience in their fields.
Welcome to a program that’s in deepest service to families, and the birth of a new humanity.
- Victoria Rose, Program Creator
At one end of the spectrum this program serves those who are struggling with fertility or with entering the stream of ‘family’ in any way…. On the other end of the spectrum, this program serves those who are already aware of the opportunity they have pre-conception to prepare a pristine home in their body, relationship and life to welcome their children ‘home.’
It’s for those who genuinely and humbly acknowledge their role as an architect of our future generations.
- Victoria Rose, Program Creator
I wasn’t interested in delivering you ‘more information.’ I was interested in bringing together true leading voices who can authentically and with a lot of credibility speak to all that’s not being delivered in our information-saturated world.
- Victoria Rose, Program Creator