The revolutionary program that’s helped COUNTLESS women worldwide to birth in SOVEREIGNTY and power is now reborn, enabling thousands more families to embrace birth as the BEAUTIFUL, BLISSFUL, and TRANSFORMATIVE experience it’s DESIGNED to be.

Be among the first 15 people to purchase the upgraded version of Transform Into Birth and get the best of ALL the worlds:

  • An online virtual library of classes by the foremost leading voices and guardians of birth wisdom.

  • Weekly LIVE Community Calls hosted by Victoria.

  • THREE Exclusively Private Prenatal Sessions w/ Victoria Rose!

  • Plus thousands of dollars worth of bonuses.

You know the importance of preparing for birth, yet navigating through an ocean of information can feel so overwhelming.

Imagine if you could shed all the stress, and do what you long to do most: deeply connect with your baby and embrace the
beauty, magic and sensuality of pregnancy.

What if you could prepare for the mystery that lies ahead in a way that’s enjoyable, uplifting, and truly inspiring?

So many women say to me, “I just wish someone would filter through all the information and tell me what I really need to know!!”

Well dear love, you’re in the right spot.

I did precisely that for you.

I've curated an in-depth virtual library of classes, led by the foremost leading voices in pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting.

With the flexibility to self-pace your learning, and LIVE sessions to focus on the most impactful elements of birth preparation:
the psycho-spiritual dimensions of your experience…

this series literally covers it all.

Apply now and receive two 1:1 prenatal sessions that will radically transform your experience of pregnancy and birth.

Brandilyn Clay, MA [CIIS], MFT, Sound Healer, Sacred Birth-Doula, Creatrix of Mothers Hive

“I was so grateful to finally find a woman who could meet me at my depth of spirituality, psychology and ceremony and who was deeply trained through the Sacred Birthing School. Victoria guided my partner and I to heal our own birth journeys in preparation for giving birth, and I really believe this was the #1 thing that allowed us to experience a redemptive birth for the birth of our second baby.”

Hi, I’m Victoria Rose

I remember my own birth, pre- birth and conception experiences. I’ve been able to effectively communicate with babies, born and unborn, since childhood. I’ve always known that babies are far more conscious than we are as adults. This awareness is what has steered me through my studies in pre- and perinatal psychology and sacred birthing, and is why I bring forth *unwavering* belief in the unseen intelligence of birth.

Serving mothers, babies and families is the work of my heart. I’ve dedicated my entire life to extending love and confidence to women like you who are opening the gates to welcome our future teachers, leaders, and healers on Planet Earth.

I deeply bow to the wisdom in you that guided you to Luminous Birth. May it beat in the hearts of your great-great-great-great grandchildren.

Parent Testimonial

Love. Since you made it this far, I want to take the time to share a couple of things with you.

If you’re an intuitive then you can already feel this isn’t just another birth preparation course.

I created Transform Into Birth five years ago because of an observation I made time and time again. I came to realize that the “conscious pregnancy and birth movement” was largely distracting mothers even further from the wisdom of their bodies and the very essence of birth, sadly, turning the most sacred and beautiful milestone into a traumatic medical event.

Witnessing numerous highly conscious individuals who are dedicated to their own healing and awakening—endure the full spectrum of medical interventions during birth, becoming entirely dependent on the very systems and structures they strive to liberate themselves from, led me to a profound realization.

A critical aspect of birth, and indeed all of life, is being overlooked.

Hear me out love: Every single woman who’s been through the
Transform Into Birth series has went on birth victoriously, in power, naturally, and blissfully.

No matter what their prior experiences have been giving birth, no matter their history of trauma, no matter their story.

That outcome isn’t by chance.

There a reason why this is the case.

By reconnecting with your original blueprint and becoming conscious of our own birth and pre-birth imprints, you will awaken to and honor the innate wisdom of birth.

Birth cannot be intellectualised.

You don’t need your neo-cortex to give birth, nor to grow an entire human being.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter how much you know about birth.

Knowledge and expertise get in the way of birth all the time.

Nowhere is that more evident than in the industrialized birth complex.

Transform Into Birth enters the

Believe it or not, almost ALL of the factors that influence birth physiology and birth outcomes are unseen.

Birth is QUANTUM,

and the most advanced and sophisticated technology that keeps pregnancy and birth safe, lives within you.

It beats in the centre of your chest.

By nature, birth is transcendent.

It’s designed to transform you.

Father’s Testimonial

“Transform Into Birth was an integral and cathartic part of my pregnancy, every single session was unique and empowering. I was particularly fond of when my partner and I were guided back to our own births. I believe that helped me manifest my dream birth at home, and helped me surrender to the realm of birth, when I brought my sweet baby, Elissa Noya, earth-side.”

Ariel Maloof, Mother, Early Childhood Educator

Enjoy 40+ classes from Victoria Rose and an esteemed collective of the foremost leading voices and guardians of birth wisdom.


And other birth luminaries!

You also get:

Access to the Transcribing Living Memory guided journey of revisiting and healing your own birth, pre- birth, conception, and pre- conception imprints. Many parents report this being the #1 thing that radically transformed their experience of birth.

(Value: $1444)

Yes, there’s more.

  • “Pregnancy Week by Week” Guided Meditation Series:
    (37 mini meditations) to keep you connected to the miracle of life growing within you. (Value $250)

  • Third Trimester Meditation to prepare baby for their upcoming journey of birth. (Value $40)

  • Pre-made checklists (questions to ask your midwife, items to have on hand for birth, affirmations for welcoming baby into their family, community, and world, couples practices for cultivating sacred sanctuary and navigating life’s challenges with ease and confidence, Emotional Freedom Technique for reprogramming beliefs, Ho’opono’pono Practice of Forgiveness, and others. (Value $75)

  • Prenatal Corrective Exercise, Mobility, and Biomechanics Mini Course (Value $699)

  • THREE 1:1 private sessions with Program Creator, Victoria Rose (Value: $700)

  • 1 Year FREE Luminous Birth Community Membership (Value $1548)

  • Lifetime Access to all classes as long as the program is still running.

  • Unified Pricing** for you and your partner

  • Plus you’ll have access to THE BEST pre- and perinatal practitioner directory lists, helpful organizations, recommended reading lists, personalized integrations, and so much more.

The Transform into Birth series is meticulously crafted for parents who wish to harness the power of pregnancy and birth to cultivate a family that thrives in health, sovereignty, unconditional love, and resilience lifelong.

This program is for:

  • Pregnant mamas at any stage, who are preparing for a sovereign birth experience that is aligned with their natural physiologic wisdom.

  • Pregnant mamas seeking unbiased support by someone who embodies profound respect and reverence for the miracle and mystery of life.

  • Mamas and daddy’s who recognize their own courage and acknowledge the importance of being support in their relationship as they transform into parents or expand their family.

  • Mamas and daddy’s who recognize that the village is missing in our culture and want to bring in the support for themselves they know they need and innately deserve.

  • Mamas who wish to accept full responsibility for their birth, claim their power, and own their victory.

  • Mamas who know in their bones that birth is physiologically designed to be a pain free, ecstatic and blissful experience, and want to unlock that reality.

  • Mamas seeking a truly wholistic approach to pregnancy, birth and motherhood that honors the most advanced sciences in union with ancient wisdom.

  • Mamas seeking a balance of comprehensive education with rooted emotional and spiritual support.

  • Parents who envision birth not just as the arrival of a child, but as a once-in-a-lifetime experience to birth a grounded family that thrives lifelong in health, connection, and love.

  • Parents who understand the degree of programming they’ve inherited around birth, life, and death, and are committed to the deep and confronting journey of unlearning in order to align with their baby’s highest possible birth scenario.

  • Parents who wish to proactively engage in birth preparation that honors the profound transformational pathway into parenthood.

  • Mamas who have had medicalized birth experiences in the past and are now calling in a redemptive birth.

  • Advocates of natural birth who believe in the inherent wisdom of the birthing process, viewing pregnancy not as a pathology or medical condition but as a natural and healthy celebration of life.

  • Informed decision-makers who prioritize the freedom to choose based on a comprehensive understanding of all birthing options, valuing informed consent and autonomy in the birthing process.

  • Protectors of the sacred who deeply honor and respect the ancient wisdom of birth recognizing these as critical periods for imprinting health, resilience, and love within the whole family system.

  • Parents and birth-keepers who are aware that the postpartum period is the most critical period of a woman’s lifespan, informing her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, lifelong.

  • Engaged fathers who are eager to fully embrace their role during pregnancy, birth, and beyond, reclaiming their power in the family system and society as a whole.

  • Parents who are committed to welcoming and nurturing new, conscious beings into the world, maximizing the potential of their children to incarnate their soul’s highest expression and successfully deliver their missions

  • Parents who recognize their heroic roles as the architects of our future leaders, teachers, healers and innovators.

  • Agents of change who aspire to break historical cycles of destruction and pave the way for a new story centered on fertility, consciousness, and growth.

  • Stewards of a new consciousness aware of their responsibility in fostering a new era of awareness and harmonious living on Planet Earth, emphasizing the importance of integrating real science with revered ancient wisdom.

  • Protectors of our future who recognize the critical role of instinct revival, rekindling trust in nature, and attuning to the needs of our children.

This series is an invitation to those who wish to embrace a transformative approach to one of life's most significant milestones, fostering a legacy of well-being and embodied living for future generations.

Pregnancy and birth are sacred rites of passage.

When you remember birth for what it truly is, it suddenly becomes easy to recognize the importance of bringing in the right support.

It becomes a no-brainer to say YES to the LOVE you know you need and innately deserve.

Transform Into Birth successfully delivers over $10k worth of material, experiences, and support that will profoundly enrich your experience of pregnancy and successfully set you up for the natural, peaceful, blissful birth of your dreams.

Previously: €3333!!!!

Now only:


Note: 1:1 Private sessions with Victoria are a temporary BONUS offering. Book now to apply for a spot with this invaluable

The Transform Series welcomes highest levels of

  • Healing

    Birth requires you to open physically, emotionally and spiritually. Any and all of the memories your body is holding will inevitably come to the surface to be felt and transcended.. Illuminating and clearing the fears, shadows and misunderstandings that stem from past conditioning will radically transform the way you experience birth. It’s paramount that you process and heal previous births, and honor grief and loss. This journey will bring you into the deepest parts of who you are, including your own birth, life inside your mothers womb, and conception.

  • Learning

    Radical birth education will equip you with the knowledge and tools to liberate yourself from deep indoctrinations of the modern world’s industrialized birth paradigm. Learn the ecstatic physiological blueprint of love, life, and birth and the importance of protecting the ‘field’ necessary for birth to unfold ease-fully. Unlock helpful kinesiology techniques and sacred technologies, explore birth, love, sex, intimacy, attachment, bonding, and optimizing baby’s immune system, cord care and placenta options, the 4th trimester, and so, so much more. By learning, we really mean REMEMBERING!

  • Attunement

    Our work is to attune-to and protect the vast consciousness of the incoming soul who has come to you. We recognize that they’re far more conscious than we are. Through ongoing deepening awareness and presence you make space for their true essence to fully incarnate. We include them as a conscious participant in this journey every step of the way. You’ll experience profound levels of connection through listening and communicating transparently with them. We maximize the potential of pregnancy to set their system up for health, coherence, and connection.

Birth is…

  • A precise template for the lifetime of health and child-parent connection that follows

  • A supreme opportunity to develop the physical, emotional and spiritual capacity of an entire human being (and an entire generation)

  • An experience your body and heart will remember forever

  • A sacred rite of passage

  • The creation of family

  • An experience that has the potential to heal (or reinforce) lifetimes of trauma, destructive programming and harmful conditioning

“Peace on Earth Begins with Birth”

If all babies were welcomed into their family, community and world softly, as conscious, sentient and aware beings,

If women and babies were unconditionally loved, held, witnessed and supported through pregnancy, birth and the time after birth,

If we treated birth as the sacred rite of passage that it truly is and not a medical emergency…..

The world would transform in one single generation.

We’re being called to welcome a generation of peacekeepers, of beings who never question whether or not they are loved, but know they ARE love.

It’s time to harness the power of conception, pregnancy and birth as an opportunity to set humans up as highly-esteemed, emotionally regulated and coherent beings who have an unlimited capacity to LOVE.

Birth is already happening. You’re already doing it.

Words from Mothers

  • Ariel Maloof, Foreign Language Teacher

    “Victoria has an amazingly compassionate soul. She opened her heart to me, my baby, and my partner through meaningful and informational sessions, always tailored to our personal experiences. Transform Into Birth was an integral and cathartic part of my pregnancy, every single session was unique and empowering. I was particularly fond of when my partner and I were guided back to our own births. I believe that helped me manifest my dream birth at home, and helped me surrender to the realm of birth, when I brought my sweet baby, Elissa Noya, earth-side. I am eternally grateful for this time Victoria and I shared in our sessions, and will always cherish it.”

  • Rebecca Lambert, MA, Therapist

    “I am so grateful I made the decision to hire Victoria to support us through the pregnancy, labor and birth of my third baby. She was a true wealth of information and I could go to her with any of my questions and receive answers I could trust. Victoria is a gem and a true advocate for sacred birth. She walks this path with integrity and love. It was incredibly special to have her compassionate presence on our journey.”

  • Marcia Lima, Master Healer, Teacher

    “I had an unplanned pregnancy that was considered life-threatening. I felt completely unprepared for both motherhood and the possibility of leaving a motherless daughter in the world. Victoria was an alchemist. When I was overwhelmed by doubt she brought me home to the deep realms of my body’s wisdom and intelligence. She transformed my anxiety into excitement. My fear into trust and feelings of bliss. She completely transformed my experience of pregnancy and birth.”

“The rebirthing work got into places therapy hasn’t had access to and has revealed so much about how I’ve shown up in the world and how I feel received (or not) by others. To be given the opportunity to reconcile my relationship with my own existence has been a supreme gift. This is next level human healing” - Elizabeth, LFMT 

This will easily be the most impactful and meaningful investment you’ll ever make.

An investment in yourself, in family, and lifelong love;

An investment in attuning to the masterful soul who has chose you to be their parent,

in the masterful souls who are coming to lead us through this epic time of change.

An investment in the future of humanity and our living planet.

The one investment you’ll ever make that will have the greatest return,

and truly make a difference…

Together, let’s birth a new story.

Have questions or wish to meet?

Book a free discovery call.