You entered form.

You grew the amazing body that now houses you.

You journeyed through the veil to your place of birth.

And that journey continues.

Welcome to a deep and beautiful inner journey that will invite you into embodiment of your true nature, through attuning to your original blueprint.

A journey that waters the seed of true prosperity seated at the very core of your genesis.

. . . the inspiration that spiraled you into form . . .

This is a journey of re-visiting and carefully re-scripting your own birth, pre- birth, conception and pre- conception experiences.

It will guide you to the source of your greatest creative power . . .

Back into right-relationship with Creation. 

Together, let's birth a new story . . .

This. Is our way forward.

Indeed, we were all born.

A personal story of re-imprinting.

What’s Included?

  • 3 Day Immersive Journey

  • Ceremonial Cacao & Lotus

  • Refreshments

  • Personalized tools for integration

  • Integrative homeopathic support

  • 40% coupon for all future Luminous Birth offerings, programs, and live events.

    We at Luminous Birth feel the power of this unprecedented moment in time and want to make this event accessible to anyone who feels called to tune in and harness this transformative energy. The sacred exchange for this full three-day immersion is:


    A non-refundable 50% deposit is required to reserve your spot.
    Remaining due in cash upon arrival.


  • April 28th, 29th, 30th 2023

  • 10:00h - 16:00h all 3 days.

Gently unlocking your pre- and perinatal memories can reveal the source of:

  • Physical and mental dis-ease

  • Emotional imbalances and unexplained grief

  • Treatment-resistant illness

  • Feelings of disconnect with your gifts and life purpose

  • Behavioral patterns and specific personality traits

  • Reproductive issues

  • Parenting challenges

  • False beliefs about yourself or others

  • Relationship issues

  • Professional limitations

  • Creative blockages

  • How you show up in the world

This work holds tremendous potential to…

  • Activate your vitality and life force energy in all areas of life

  • Transform your experience of pregnancy and radically improve birth outcomes

  • Enhance the effectiveness of all other healing modalities, both medical and holistic

  • Reinforce your body’s natural healing ability

  • Promote self-regulation

  • Increase day-to-day self awareness

  • Awaken or deepen your sense of purpose

  • Expand your capacity with clients and/or patients

  • Renew your trust in life’s natural timing

  • Activate and/or amplify your creative genius

  • Promote self-love and compassion

Who is it for?

The Unfoldment

  • Day 1: Guided Group Journey

    Every aspect of this journey provides an opportunity to re-imprint your story.

    This first day begins with an opening ceremony and various exercises to induce a non-ordinary, embryonic state of awareness.

    You’ll have the opportunity to re-visit your placenta and life in the womb, and glimpse the moment you (or someone outside of you) initiated your birth process, your birth, and the time following your birth.

    You’ll then have the opportunity to begin re-scripting your birth story and move through an intentional soul-body exercise of re-welcoming yourself into your life.

    The first day closes intentionally with an intimate sharing and remembering the divine at birth.

  • Day 2: Group Guided Journey

    This second day re-opens with inviting sacred cacao medicine into our hearts before journeying back further to gather more information.

    You’ll re-visit your birth one more time, then be guided all the way back through the stages of your in-utero life, your conception, and even pre- conception experiences.

    These first two parts are all about transcribing the deeply imprinted somatic (body) memory in a guided, safe and gentle way.

    We end this session with a closing circle and a deep bow to the Kundalini, the primal life force, wisdom energy, the miracle of our genesis.

    Time at the end for 1:1 check-ins and optional consult with Dra. Mariana Caixero for individualized integration considerations.

  • Day 3: Private Integration Session

    Our third and final day is for the purpose of discovering and processing the information that was retrieved in the 2-part guided portion of the journey.

    This is an opportunity to unpack the deeper layers and nuances of your experience and begin facilitating a process of re-imprinting.

    This is a key aspect of the work where things begin to come full circle, and integration pathways become more clear.

    Educational perspectives will be extended around integrating this new awareness into your life, work and relationships, particularly for those serving women and families in the child-bearing years.

    We’ll end with a Q & A and possible ‘closing of the bones’ ceremony.

  • Special Rates for all Luminous Birth Offerings

    Receive a 40% off coupon for all future bookings, programs and events with Luminous Birth.

    Additional 1:1 sessions with Victoria and/or Dra. Mariana may be important in the weeks or months following the in-person journey to welcome new and deeper layers of integration support and maximize your healing potential.

    As you carry a new awareness into your life, work and relationships, life will provide endless opportunities to unlock further memory and stitch a new story into your life.

    This work opens a doorway to a realm of healing that unfolds over the weeks, months, years, and decades of your life. This invites a living process of welcoming your highest expression into your life with ease, grace, and self-tenderness.

To create a new world we must birth a new humanity.

In our modern times of endless healing pathways and psycho-therapeutic modalities, few address our cultural wound of separation and the developmental differences that result from being welcomed into the world via industry.

This work invites us home into our bodies where our ancient memory and indigenous birthing wisdom lives.

Retrieving your pre-conception consciousness will vibrationally transform all that you are birthing into the world. This work provides a supreme opportunity to truly incarnate.

— Victoria Rose

Your Guides

Victoria Rose, RMT
Pre- and Perinatal Educator, Family & Birth Visionary, Traditional Birth Witness, Founder of Luminous Birth

Mariana Caixero, PhD
Clinical and Heath Psychologist, Ethno- psychotherapist, Homeopath, Fertility & Procreative Heath Expert