Welcome to a deep and beautiful inner journey that will go to the core of your genesis and restore your original blueprint.
The records of your birth and pre- birth memories are woven into the living fabric of your body.
Childhood traumas are often re-presentations of in-utero experiences which continue to be recapitulated throughout our lives until these primal connections are made.
Gently unlocking this cellular memory can reveal the source of:
Physical and mental dis-ease
Emotional imbalances and unexplained grief
Treatment-resistant illness
Feelings of disconnect with your gifts and life purpose
Behavioral patterns and specific personality traits
Reproductive issues
Parenting challenges
False beliefs about yourself or others
Relationship issues
Professional limitations
Creative blockages
How you show up in the world
It holds tremendous potential to…
Activate your vitality and life force energy on new levels
Transform your experience of pregnancy and radically improve birth outcomes
Enhance the effectiveness of all other healing modalities, both medical and holistic
Reinforce your body’s natural healing ability
Promote self-regulation
Increase day-to-day self awareness
Awaken or deepen your sense of purpose
Expand your capacity with clients and/or patients
Renew your trust in life’s natural timing
Activate and/or amplify your creative genius
Promote self-love and compassion

This work opens a doorway to a new realm of healing…
…and provides an opportunity to truly incarnate
Who is it For?
Midwives, Doulas, Nurses, Birth-Keepers, Educators
Every time you enter the realm of pregnancy or birth, your own pre- and perinatal memories and traumas re-surface.
While you may not consciously remember all the details of your own birth, and these stories may have never been told to you, your body remembers.
These implicit, cellular memories inform the way you respond to women and babies and directly determines your capacity with them.
This work is fundamentally important and integral to continuously come back to.
Anyone Planning to Conceive or Give Birth
Your own birth, in-utero, and conception memory will inevitably arise during conception, pregnancy, labor and birth.
Likewise, difficulty conceiving is often due to your own unresolved in-utero or conception experiences.
This work will illuminate the shadows and core misunderstandings your body holds about life, birth, and death - all of which you’ll face during labor.
This work can radically shift birth outcomes and deeply imprints an unwavering trust in your body and your baby.
By viscerally remembering just how conscious you were at the time of your own conception, life in-utero, and birth, you’ll be able to carry this consciousness forward to the conception, pregnancy and birth of your baby.
Therapists, Mentors, Healers, Leaders, Guides
Childhood traumas are often re-presentations of traumas that occurred earlier in a person’s pre- or perinatal life.
These experiences continue to be re-capitulated throughout ones life until these primal connections are made.
This is a hugely missing piece in modern conventional psychotherapeutic practices.
Being aware of how pre- and perinatal experiences show up and are expressed later is essential to provide true “trauma informed” care. This will expand your capacity for self-regulation, open new dimensions of healing possibilities and maximize the levels of growth and realization your clients/patients can achieve.
Anyone Who Was Born
This work is truly essential for anyone who was born.
Being able to take this step on your journey in a safe and guided way, will assist more of your soul consciousness (vitality, life-force, mana, prana, chi, creative force) to enter your body, elevating your overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Healing the primal mother wound brings us back into right relationship with nature and Source, restores our inner masculine and feminine balance, and vibrationally transforms all that we are birthing into the world.
Ayahuasca Ceremony Facilitators & Participants
This work provides profound preparation for sitting in ceremony, and tremendous support for integrating ceremonial experiences into your physical life.
Coherence with your own prenatal origins assists all the information received in ceremony (and “master plant dietas”) to organize correctly and optimally inside of your system.
I believe this is a major missing piece in Ayahausca preparation and integration.
As a facilitator, it’s important to be aware of the ways in which participants birth and pre-birth experiences arise (both consciously and unconsciously) before, during, and after ceremony.
Doing this work will profoundly deepen and enrich your experience whatever your role is within this realm.
“Victoria guided my partner and I back to our own births as part of our birth preparation journey. I believe this helped me manifest my dream birth at home, and helped me surrender to the realm of birth, when I brought my sweet baby, Elissa Noya, earth-side”
— Ariel, Mother
The Unfoldment
Part One: Guided Journey
Every aspect of this journey provides an opportunity to repair and re-imprint your story and that begins here.
This first 3 hour session starts with an opening ceremony, and various exercises to induce a non-ordinary, embryonic state of awareness.
You’ll glimpse the moment you (or someone outside of you) initiated your birth process, your birth, and the time following your birth.
You’ll then have the opportunity to begin re-scripting your birth story and move through an intentional soul-body exercise.
Part Two: Guided Journey Continued
In this second 3 hour session you’ll journey back to gather more information.
You’ll re-visit your birth one more time, then be guided all the way back through the stages of your in-utero life, your conception, and even pre- conception experiences.
These first two parts are all about transcribing the deeply imprinted somatic (body) memory in a guided, safe and gentle way.
We end this session with a closing circle and a deep bow to the Kundalini, the primal life force, wisdom energy, the miracle of our genesis.
Part Three: Integration & Re-Imprinting
This 90 minute session is for the purpose of discovering and processing the information that was retrieved in the 2-part guided portion of the journey.
This is an opportunity to unpack the deeper layers and nuances of your experience and begin facilitating a process of re-imprinting.
This is a key aspect of the work where things begin to come full circle, and integration pathways become more clear.
Part Four: Integration Follow-Up
A 90 min follow up to take place within 12 weeks.
This session is focused on further integrating the healing that only becomes accessible as the process naturally unfolds.
You’ll receive additional guidance and tools for integrating the wisdom, insight and teachings you’re unlocking into your body, life, work and relationships.
Elizabeth, LMFT, NYC
“The rebirthing work got into places therapy hasn’t had access to and has revealed so much about how I’ve shown up in the world and how I feel received (or not) by others. To be given the opportunity to reconcile my relationship with my own existence has been a supreme gift. This is next level human healing”
Sophia, Artist, Birth Doula, Mother
“I had this feeling that my mother was giving birth her own way but also trying to “be nice” and take care of other people’s needs. Still trying to share and not take up the amount of space that belonged to her. This theme was present all the way back to my conception. I now realize how inseparable giving birth, sex, and sexuality are.. The connection between taking up space and sense of being welcomed and wanted. This new awareness is the beginning of a re-learning, and an existential shift in the way I move and show up for myself.”
Monika, LMHC, MA, MS, NYC
“Victoria has fine tuned her own instrument so well that at this point, her presence alone acts like a fine tuning-fork, resetting your DNA to calm, clarity and health. Choosing Victoria to be your guide, you are choosing to place yourself in the hands of a great, knowledgeable, caring professional and human.”
Cameron, Tradesman
“I remembered my conception in that experience. I realized my mother was unable to receive love because of her relationship with her father, and as a result she was unable to fully let my father in. I now recognize my pattern of being a “rescuer” for women - attracting women who need a lot of help. This has been fulfilling a basic survival need in me to heal my mother and enable her to feel loved. Re-scripting this part of my lived experience will radically change my life and relationships.”

“Who would have thought we can go back to our embryonic state and remember what that feels like. I remembered that in the womb I was excited to enter the sun realm and experience the physical manifestations of the sun”
— Anonymous
Sheree Carrara, Author, Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner
I am 42 and have done a tremendous amount of self-healing work. Still, the idea of remembering my own birth seemed far-fetched. Knowing the remarkable healer that Victoria is, I felt a strong call to dive in. I thought I had nothing to lose, but I was wrong.
I lost a dark cloud that had been lingering above me and a wound I’d been carrying my whole life. I realized my life began long before birth. I made sense of patterns and feelings which I thought I was aware of, but truly wasn’t.
During my integration session I read what I wrote during the guided journey and was in complete awe at how much information I had gathered. An entire library. How did I remember the details of my birth?
There was one moment that I said to Victoria “I’m scared” and she guided me through in a way that was so skillful, loving and empowering. Piece by piece I delicately re-scripted my story.
I remember when Victoria told me that I could drink water if I wanted to. I laughed and told her that I’ll just drink my tears. I cried so much marking that moment of release. It was so hard for me to face a crucial part of my journey that I felt so detached from. Doing this course made me realize I wasn’t detached at all, I was just consciously unaware.
Your Guide, Victoria Rose
RMT, Pre- & Perinatal Educator, Traditional Birth-Witness, Master Reiki Healer for Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum, Ceremonialist, Contemporary Vegetalista.
“Healing the primal mother wound and retrieving your pre-conception consciousness will enrich all that you are birthing into the world.”
What’s Included?
Two 3 hour guided journeys
Two 90 minute integration sessions
Personalized tools and exercises for integration
20% off all future sessions, workshops, and care packages
15% of all fees are donated to the Sacred Birthing School on Kaua’i Hawaii, to support their ongoing unparalleled programs and trainings for birth and preconception
doulas, death doulas, and parents.

Interested in Organizing a Group Journey?
Contact directly for more information.